
THE BURGER PIT chef jeff getting excited

Hello all burger lovers. I am getting excited.
We received our CHAR BROILER this week,
and we have gas. Good to go!
Yuriko, my wife, is working so hard on the blog
and all the office work, as well as helping renovate.
We are working hard to make a nice friendly and
relaxing resaurant for you to enjoy sumiyaki burgers
and many special things. Hope to open in two weeks
and thanks to help from Inu-san and Tanaka-san and many others,
we just might make deadline. Please e-mail us with any ideas to
make our place your place. More coming soon!
Look forward to seeing many new friends.
Chef Jeff

2 件のコメント:

  1. A lot of people are looking forward to opening a store.

  2. Hello,Tappy!
    Thank you
    We are looking forward to meeting a lot of people and making new friends!
